

O símbolo do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal é um Design de autoria de Cassandra Kopnits. O "C" e o "A" representam pictoricamente formas de animais. POde-se enxergar a cauda de um felino, de um cão ou de um equino. Ainda é possível visualizar a cabeça com chifre de um ruminante. Em perspectiva mais ampla, o conjunto da imagem forma um globo ocular, apontando para o futuro/informação.

Approved by CAPES in 2015, the Program's main objective is to encourage the training of professors, researchers, and qualified professionals for the dissemination of technologies, entrepreneurship, research, and regional development, in addition to unique health. Consequently, it will allow the sustainable improvement of the sanitary indexes,  animal productivity, and population's life quality, particularly in the State of Alagoas. It is worth mentioning that with the growing demand for specialties in the Pet market, the training of professionals with a greater qualification in the medical and surgical clinic, enabling a more adequate service to the population of dogs and cats, with an increase in animal health/welfare and aimed at Veterinary Medicine of the collective.

Furthermore, it is expected that former students present evolution in decision-making, through objective, critical and reliable analysis of surrounding problems and variables. The stimuli to individual autonomy, based on structured methods and techniques, besides promoting both professors' and researchers' formation, may lead to a positive impact on local and regional reality supported by strategies focus on education, innovation, and one health, as well as animal production targeting public and private sectors and seeking for social and economic development.